Thursday, November 16, 2006

Gradual update #23 -- Snowmen

On New Year's Eve, the kids decided it was time to create a few frosty friends, so they made a mad dash outside to pile up some snow and build their own snowmen. MacKenzie had help from her friend (and neighbor), Imani, to build an antler-clad snowman.

Zachary managed to create snow-arms for his snowman, and even came up with the idea of using "Dots" candies for the eyes, while MacKenzie chose the baby carrots for the noses. The snowmen decided to stick around a few days, even after the rest of the snow had melted and disappeared. The last lingering proof of the snowman visits were the "Dots" eyes. I had to convince Benjamin that they weren't good to eat after being left outside and getting dirty. He wasn't so sure, but hesitantly decided to believe me, and finally left them alone after I repeated myself a few times.

After the creations were complete, MacKenzie and Imani decided to pose atop a pile of snow left behind from the snowplow. Playing on the snow pile was probably as much--if not more--fun than actually creating the frosty friends!

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