Friday, November 24, 2006

Gradual update #24 -- Poopy-pants?

Benjamin is a very active and energetic child, who hardly has time for things that aren't of his chosing...especially diaper changes (although that's beginning to change since we're in the midst of potty training--yeah!!). We went through a time when he would run away from me if I so much as asked him if he had poopy-pants. After a while, he discovered that I couldn't check his diaper at all if he "hid" under the kitchen table.

What really struck me after I took these photos is that he actually didn't have a messy diaper (just gas), but he was still hiding. It had become a game to him, and rather than taking a few moments for me to check and let him go on his way, he grinned as he ran from me, pulled a chair out from under the table, crawled under the table, and pulled the chair back to keep me away. What a kid!


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