Monday, November 27, 2006

Gradual update #25 -- Pinewood Derby

Springtime was once again Pinewood Derby time with Cub Scouts, and Zachary worked hard on his car this year, as always. He started his car with some of the fathers in his den when they took the boys to the Wood Hobby Shop to cut and sand their cars. He came up with the design, I helped him with the painting, and a neighbor helped him get it properly weighted. I think he had an awesome theme this year: Harry Potter...complete with the "HGWRTS" (Hogwarts) license plate, Harry & Ron driving the car (courtesy of one of his Lego sets), and Harry’s distinctive scar painted on the hood.His car made a good showing in the competition (this was one of his better runs--with a clear win over the other car), but was beaten out in the end. But, he had fun making his car and being at the derby.Benjamin also had fun at the derby...with his own cars. He kept inching toward the ropes in an attempt to get at the more fun-looking derby cars, and was disappointed when we wouldn’t allow him to snatch one for himself...although he certainly tried with Zachary’s car once we got home. Guess I have a future Cub Scout on my hands, if for no other reason than to have his own car in the derby!

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