Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Creative Coloring

Benjamin was excited about going back to Lisa’s today and playing with his friends after having a few days home with Nana & Papa during their visit. However, when I picked him up this afternoon, I had a good chuckle. Lisa’s note stated he had fun “making a collage and drawing on butcher paper.” BUT, the note neglected to mention his most obvious palette: himself!

If you look closely, you can see he didn’t simply use one color, but instead used (at least) three! Additionally, he chose multiple locations on himself to color: his forehead, his shirt, his hands, his pants and his socks! Yes, even his socks (which went through to his feet)!!At least he was cooperative when I scrubbed him in the tub to clean off his body art. I never know what to expect with this one!!!


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