Friday, December 01, 2006

Santa's Coming!

Tonight was the Christmas Tree-lighting ceremony on post, and the evening included a special visitor. Naturally, the kiddos wanted to attend, with the ultimate goal of getting to talk to the big guy. When we arrived, we went to sign up to visit Santa…and discovered we’d have a nearly-two-hour wait. Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait in line, but instead just had to listen for our number to be called. That worked out well so we could grab a bite to eat and look around. MacKenzie liked the lawn decorations near the tree, and was the only one who agreed to pose for a photo.I’m glad Benjamin agreed to ride in the stroller. There weren’t as many people as last year, which made it easier to navigate through the crowds, but he seemed a bit tired, so riding was perfect (sure beat me having to carry him all evening!). After seeing everything we could outside, and to help us warm up from the cold, we headed inside the chapel to wait the last 45 minutes or so before it was our turn to chat with Santa. Fortunately, they had movies playing, so that helped pass the time.

When our number was called, all three of the kiddos jumped up to head outside to the gazebo to see Santa. Zachary asked for a Nintendo DS, MacKenzie asked for a teddy bear, and Benjamin asked for an oval bell off Santa’s sleigh (like the one in the movie “The Polar Express”).

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