Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Ludwigsburg Christmas Market

We finally made it to a Christmas Market, and just in time before Mom and Dad head home. Mom was bound and determined to experience one, and enjoyed the sights and aromas we discovered in downtown Ludwigsburg at the Ludwigsburger Baroque Christmas Market. One of her favorite findings was a booth selling snowball pastries. We discovered these delicious treats in Rothenberg ob der Tauber when they visited back in April, and Mom jumped at the opportunity to have another one…before lunch no less! She definitely doesn’t look willing to share in this photo (although she did).Shortly after she finished her snowball, we stopped for lunch of rotwurst and glühwein (hot, spiced wine to warm you up while strolling through the cold Christmas Markets). I don’t think we’ve found a wurst yet that Mom & Dad haven’t liked, and today was no exception. The glühwein definitely warmed us up a bit--Mom claimed she could feel it warming up her innards as it traveled from her throat to her stomach.

After strolling through the festively-decorated stalls, Dad and I decided to sample some pastries as well and selected the helgosländer. We enjoyed them so much, I bought some for the kids to have for dessert. All three of them enjoyed the treats, which didn’t last long!

Of course, MacKenzie and Benjamin had to have their evening dose of eggnog before turning in for the night. Benjamin likes the decorated carton, and MacKenzie thinks this variety tastes much better than the generic one that’s abundantly available in the commissary…and didn’t want to waste even a single drop of the stuff!

I’m not sure which market I’ll tackle next, but I’m definitely looking forward to visiting more this holiday season.

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