Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Visiting Granny

I love going to the farm when I get to Georgia, but I also enjoy visiting my grandmother. She’s a wonderful lady, and I enjoyed spending weekends with her and Grandpa as a child when we lived close, and calling their farm home when I was in college just a few towns away (it was also a wonderful place to do laundry on a college-student budget!). Now that I live in Germany, it’s even more important for me to head back regularly so she can see how my kids are growing. David and Rachel were also visiting Blackshear when we first arrived, so we had one day with all of the Quarno kids and grandkids together.

Benjamin and Rachel were full of energy...and Papa, David, Zachary and MacKenzie helped them expend their excess energy. Benjamin and Rachel ran and jumped on top of the others, and they enjoyed playing with the two of them. Rachel took an instant liking to MacKenzie, and mostly jumped into her outstretched arms over Zachary’s. She even psyched him out one time by running just short of his feet, then stopping abruptly before adjusting her course to leap onto MacKenzie -- too cute!

Of course, she also enjoyed her Daddy’s special variation on the game when he held her upside down after she ran into his arms!

Zachary was thrilled when she finally decided he was a worthy playmate by jumping on him (below).

I think Granny was tickled just watching them have fun. I know it wore me out just watching them! Oh, to have that much energy!!

It took a while to wear Rachel and Benjamin out, but it eventually happened and Rachel finally decided she’d pose for a photo with David and Granny, and another with MacKenzie and Nana.

When we went back the next day, Benjamin remembered the fun he had the day previous. It didn’t take long for him to convince Papa to play horse with him and to convince Zachary and MacKenzie to play hide-and-seek. Talk about a repeat abundance of energy!

Below is a photo of the whole gang: me, Benjamin, Zachary, Granny, MacKenzie, Rachel and David. It sure is amazing how much and how quickly the kids are growing!

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