Sunday, July 08, 2007

Celebrating the 4th!

On the 4th of July, after a full day visiting Mainau and Meersburg (watch for later posts on those sites), we stayed on-post for the local celebrations and fireworks. The kids enjoyed playing with light-sticks before the fireworks began. It was so cold that Benjamin and I wore long-johns, and we all had layers and long-sleeves (a sweatshirt for Zachary and sweater for me!). That definitely wasn't how we're used to dressing for the 4th of July!

The fireworks were wonderful, and we had great seats -- sprawled out on beach towels in the middle of a track field.
The sun doesn't set until well after 10 p.m., so the show didn't start until nearly 10:30! Talk about a late evening ... but the kids all hung in there.

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