Friday, August 03, 2007

Delaware State Fair

Our visit to Delaware was perfectly-timed so we could attend the Delaware State Fair. Zachary and MacKenzie have been before during their solo visits, but this was the first time Benjamin and I were there during the fair. All three kiddos were excited to go…and to be able to ride as many rides as possible.
One of the first rides we went on was an Alpine-themed ride that spun us around. Somehow the car that Benjamin and I were in got to rocking side-to-side quite a bit. It was fun to hear Benjamin’s laughter as we spun around, going up and down the hill.

Zachary and MacKenzie’s car didn’t rock sideways as much, although they were definitely trying to get it to do so. Finally, just before the ride came to a stop, they got it going.

Benjamin was thrilled to be able to ride the merry-go-round. A few times around, he even held both arms straight out in the air and grinned bigger than anything. Talk about a fun ride!

There were several rides that Benjamin wasn’t tall enough to ride. We tried to limit how many times he was excluded, but he still wasn’t pleased. This is one of such rides -- it really seemed like we were flying (albeit, in circles!).

I kept thinking how it must be similar to what it's like for Superman to fly.

As expected, Benjamin was upset at me for leaving him behind while I accompanied Zachary and MacKenzie. He even tried to avoid eye contact with us as we came around on each pass. But, it couldn’t last -- he and Papa kept looking for us.

Fortunately, there weren’t any height restrictions on the ferris wheel. We had a nice view of the fair from up there.

Zachary and MacKenzie were very cooperative when I tried taking a photo of them in front of the ferris wheel. Benjamin wasn’t quite sold on the idea, but then jumped in front of them and said that you had to raise your hands if you wanted your picture made. He kept turning around to see if they were raising their hands, but fortunately didn’t push the issue.

After the kiddo photo, Benjamin agreed to have his photo made with Papa. There’s hope for this kid yet!

Of course, you can’t go to a fair and not have a delicious funnel cake loaded with powdered sugar. I shared with Zachary and MacKenzie, and we devoured it pretty quickly...even with how hot it was! Benjamin didn’t want to try a single bite...which was fine with us because it meant there was more for us.

I think all three kiddos enjoyed the burlap slide ride the best. It was a great ride for the end of the evening -- no spinning or scariness to cap off the evening. After three rides, I nearly had to drag them away!

When it finally came time to head home, we all climbed into the trailers that took us back to the parking lot. Yes, they’re much like the transportation at Disney World...except they’re pulled by John Deere tractors!

Nana, Zachary and MacKenzie looked like they were turning into zombies. Benjamin, on the other hand, was still full of energy -- at 10 p.m.! When we got in the car to return home, he started talking, and talking and talking. I’m not quite sure where his extra reserve of energy comes from, but he seems to have an endless supply of it! After a while, his chatterbox began bothering Zachary and MacKenzie in their attempts to doze off. When I suggested that he quiet down some so they could rest, this is the conversation that resulted.

Where’s your “off” button?
I don’t have an off button.
Can you whisper quietly and use your inside voice so Zachary and MacKenzie can rest?
If I speak quietly then I can’t hear myself talk.

Too funny! True, but funny. In fact, when I started to chuckle at his comments, he looked at me and with all sincerity told me "It's not funny"...which made it even more adorable.

He never did quiet down, and instead chatted the entire 30-minute ride home. When we got home and got ready for bed, he still had energy! Zachary and MacKenzie moved like they were in trances and were quickly in bed. Benjamin didn’t fight going to bed, he just didn’t have that as his top priority at 10:30! At least they all enjoyed the evening!

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