Thursday, August 02, 2007

Green Thumbs

Mom and Dad have been in their new home just over a year now, and they’ve really managed to grow a wonderful garden this summer. They had a bumper crop of cucumbers, squash and peppers while we were there, and the kids all enjoyed helping pick the veggies each day and washing them off before bringing them inside.

Even Benjamin got in on the action a little. He was especially proud when he found this beautiful red tomato for Nana. Most of the tomatoes were still green while we were there, but they were just beginning to come in. BOY, are they going to have a lot! Dad planted about 25 plants of all varieties: regular, cherry, grape and even some from seeds that MacKenzie selected for them here in Germany. As Mom told me, five tomato bushes are more than enough for a I guess that means they’ll have enough tomatoes to supply their entire street! Unfortunately, they can’t can most of them since the smaller varieties don’t work well for canning. I guess they’ll have to get creative to use them up.

Zachary’s favorite produce is tomatoes, just like his Nana. He’s always liked them, and prefers to bite into them as if they’re apples (and has since he was 2 years old)! On more than one occasion, he snatched the largest tomato from that day’s haul and chomped into it before Mom had a chance to slice it up for herself. Fortunately, she didn’t mind sharing since she knows he enjoys them so much.

Benjamin’s favorite backyard activity was watering the plants and flowers. He was very helpful, and even found a few patches of grass in the middle of the lawn that he decided needed a little extra water. I’m sure Dad appreciated the extra help getting the grass to grow (it didn’t need it!).

Zachary even snagged one of the hoses to help with the watering detail. I think all three kiddos just enjoyed being outside in the nice evening air. We even saw a few Amish horse and buggies pass on the road behind their house. Benjamin and MacKenzie really liked seeing that.

Benjamin decided that the flower petals and leaves were what truly needed his water, and he was determined to make sure that just about every group of flowers was watered. I don’t know how many times he went back to refill his watering can, but he was definitely on a mission.

Mom has flowers completely surrounding three sides of their house. In fact, she has so many varieties that she has garden labels identifying many of them. I was amazed at how beautiful they look after only one year in the house! She definitely has a green thumb. She had a little help with these sunflowers though. They’re the result of picky birds throwing the sunflower seeds out of the birdfeeder. I couldn’t resist taking a photo of my beautiful “sunshine” next to the beautiful sunflowers.

And here’s one bonus photo of MacKenzie. The night before I flew back to Germany, she decided she wanted to go out to dinner so she could wear one of her new dresses. Considering that she has flatly refused to wear dresses for about four years now, we decided to accommodate her desire! She was absolutely darling, and behaved very much like a young lady...after all, that's what she’s becoming! She sat up straight, crossed her legs under the table, carefully placed the napkin in her lap and smoothed out her dress several times during supper. She’s growing so much...and right before my eyes! Wow!

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