Sunday, August 05, 2007

Harry Potter Enthusiast!

Zachary is not a night owl (he doesn’t get that trait from me!) so wasn’t keen on the idea of staying up for a party at the local book store timed to the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. After a late night at the Delaware State Fair the night before, we figured everyone needed a good night’s sleep. In fact, Papa consciously chose to not set his alarm to get him up in the morning. However, Zachary’s internal clock awoke him from his slumber at 6:25 a.m., and he quietly headed downstairs and gently woke up Papa reminding him that they needed to get ready to head to Sam’s to be there when the store opened at 7 a.m. so they could make their purchase. Papa obliged and slowly crawled out of bed to prepare for their quest.

They got there a few minutes before the store opened, and once the doors opened they snagged the first two books off the display (one for Nana as well) before heading back home. Their mission was accomplished!

When they arrived back home, Zachary immediately cracked open the book and began reading. He read 13 chapters (267 pages) the first day, and after two days had only 50 pages left...which he quickly finished up the next morning. That was definitely the quickest he’s read a book of comparable length! But considering he started reading the series when he was in the first grade, he was very interested in finally learning the fates of Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort.

MacKenzie and Benjamin were completely oblivious to the Potter mania, and enjoyed rubber-stamping in Nana’s “research library” while Zachary remained engrossed in his book.

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