Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Talking with the Big Guy

Since our schedules were so hectic this year, and the best opportunity for the kiddos to talk with Santa was when Zachary was camping in Bastogne, Zachary decided before he left that he didn’t have to talk to the Big Guy. {Oh my!} I was a bit sad, but also relieved that it gave us flexibility with our visit to Santa.

Santa was waiting in the lobby outside where MacKenzie and her cast performed “Jingle Bells Jury,” so it was easy for us to get in line after the performance so she and Benjamin could have a chat. Yes, MacKenzie is still wearing her makeup from the play, hence her extra-rosy cheeks.

Benjamin was very animated when Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas, and MacKenzie patiently waited (and waited, and waited) while Benjamin explained that he wanted a Nintendo DS, games for the DS, games for his GameBoy and 100 Webkinzes. Whew!

When MacKenzie had a chance to speak, she asked for Webkinzes and a “real puppy” (no surprise there!).

I suppose they don’t have to wait much longer to see what the Big Guy delivers. I’m sure they will enjoy whatever it is, though.

Fast forward to our up-to-the-minute update:
We’re just about done with cleaning up from dinner, then will open one gift each, check Santa’s progress at, leave out treats for Santa and crawl into bed for the night. The kids have each asked me if they can sleep on the couch so they can try, once again, to spy the Big Guy. My answer this year: NOPE. I think they’re all wondering how he’ll get inside tonight since we still haven’t found the “Santa Key” that Benjamin misplaced after Saint Nikolaus visited a few weeks ago. Hopefully they all fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly. Cross your fingers.

Good night to all.

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